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2004-05-27 - 6:30 p.m.

water and lead

ok, so i have not written anything for a while because of apathy and indolence but that does not mean that things have not been happening.

i have been living without water for the last four days or so because of pipe problems. i had to get the water shut off after the pipe in my place cracked and started spraying water all over the floor and under the floor boards. so i was left there standing in the water and jesus, i don't know what was under the floor in my kitchen but it stank like a bear's sick bag when it got wet. i guess if there were any mice left under there they must have cheesed it when the place started flooding. anyway, the plumbers could not fix it for a few days but it is done now and the lead pipe has been replaced by copper and plastic stuff.

i know lead has a bad reputation because it makes you go nuts but i think it is still a pretty awesome element. because i have spent a more than average time working with radioactive stuff i know that it was only the lead shields that stopped the gamma radiation from mutating me and combining my dna with a hospital superbug or something. i could have ended up as a human-virus hybrid. i know it sounds cool but superpowers come with a big responsibility to the earth and all i really want to do is draw pictures. overall, it is a big relief so thank you lead.

ok, so you do not realise how much you take running water for granted until you lose it. however, it just gave me a good excuse to walk around all stinky with straggly beard growth and caveman scratching. i think it is good to sometimes experience uncivilised behaviour and get in touch with some animal instincts which we usually suppress. it is sort of like living in the universe rather than just in the human world. however, i did not have to whizz in the garden or anything like that because i filled up the bath before the water was turned off so i could still flush the toilet manually every now and again.

anyway, the water is back on and much hand clapping ensued in celebration. i expect it will be a few more days before the novelty of water wears off.


(need pictures?:

p.s. this is diaryland number thirty. it is a good number to celebrate because we live in a decimal world. well, everything is decimal (here in england at least) except for the time. it would obviously be much more convenient to have say one hundred seconds in a minute, one hundred minutes in an hour and then ten hours in a day but that would mean making each second about 13% shorter i think (i may have calculated that wrongly because i did not show my working). anyway, logistically it is all too hard to do unless we have an apocalypse and can start civilisation all over again. even then we would still have 365.25 days in a year because of the whole day-night thing.

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