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2004-03-19 - 7:07 p.m.

rumble on

ok, before we get started today i cannot stress how urgent it is that you go out and buy chutes too narrow by the shins. i do not care what sort of music you normally listen to - if you do not like this then you do not like music. i bought it yesterday (it has just been released here in the uk) and ended up listening to it six times all the way through because it made my murky soul feel clean.

right, that is enough of that. if you read my previous entries then you may know that i thought that there was a ghost mouse in my house and then it turned out that it was a real mouse. things have progressed and i now have a full on mouse infestation. i am not too happy about killing mice but the facts are that they are vermin and they breed fast and chew things up and eat my food and are generally little shits. i always let things like spiders or silverfish live in my house with me because we can live in harmony and multi-legged togetherness but i draw the line at mice. therefore, i have spent the last two nights systematically picking them off one by one.

normally nights are spent going to gigs and listening to new bands on the radio and trying to resist the temptation to watch television. i think that at least one person is writing a diaryland diary dedicated to television but i really do not like it too much. television causes brain rotting and moronism and there is nothing more annoying than having to listen to people talking about their dumb tv shows. also you need to learn lessons as you go through life and having seen what happened to the kid who was addicted to television in charlie and the chocolate factory i think it is best to steer clear (also do not be greedy or too fat or whatever).

anyway, coming up is the vernal equinox (science fans) and then it is mothers day here in the uk. it is a time for making cards because making things is always better than buying things when it comes to presents (unless you are supposed to be getting an engagement ring or something). you do not even really need any real talent to make a card because with the internet and a printer you can just use someone elses work (i recommend exploding dog pictures). just do not pretend that you made the picture yourself or an internet superstar will be coming round your house to break your knee-caps.

ok, you will have noticed that i have not put up any pictures here today but do not worry because you can go to my site at where i put up a new palmtop picture every single day.


p.s. scarygoround is getting pretty good right now

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